Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Rolling Stones: Exile On Main St.

     Some of you may recall one of my previous posts entitled "My Rolling Stones Resolution". I confessed that I'm not a big fan of The Stones, but resolved that I'd try to give them a chance this year (like they care or need it). So, for two reasons I decided to try Exile On Main St. The first reason is  it's considered, by many, to be their best album. The other reason is I had only heard two songs from this album before I bought it; "Tumbling Dice" and "Happy". Anyhow, last week when I went to buy the new Bowie cd I saw a copy of Exile in the used bin, so I picked it up. I've listened to it a few times now and here are my first impressions.
     I hate to go all George Martin talking about The Beatles' White Album, but Exile shouldn't have been a double album. If this had been a single album with the following track list it would be awesome.

1) Rock's Off
2) Rip This Joint
3) Tumbling Dice
4) Sweet Virginia
5) Torn And Frayed
6) Happy
7) All Down The Line
8) Shine A Light
9) Soul Survivor

     Having said that, I did enjoy the album. I already knew I liked "Happy"; and "Tumbling Dice" is an amazing song. The other standout songs, to me, were "Rocks Off" and "All Down The Line". Generally speaking, I liked the tracks that were country influenced. They sounded authentic, rather than like some British guys trying to sound authentic. I also like how the guitars were up in the mix and Mick was back a little. Overall, I still like Some Girls better because it's more concise and filler-free. At this point, I feel I have The Stones two best albums, so I'm not sure where I'll go from here. I might try Sticky Fingers and/or Let It Bleed. I might just buy a hits collection and recommend that my kids try that first.
     I think my main problem with The Stones is a visual one. I hate their tongue logo. I don't like Mick's dance moves and mugging for the camera. Charlie Watts kinda creeped me out when I was a kid. Ron Wood makes me remember that Rod Stewart exists. I don't even know where to start with Keith. Perhaps if I just listen to their albums I can get past my personal hangups. Perhaps not, we'll see. Anyhow, I'll keep you posted on my next Stones move when I decide. Peace.

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