4. Clockwork Angels ( 4.5 )
3. Signals ( 4.5 )
2. Permanent Waves ( 5.0 )
1. Moving Pictures ( 5.0 )
Leave it to RUSH to release an epic, Steampunk concept album, almost 40 years into their career. Later, Neil Peart would team up with sci-fi author Kevin Anderson to create Clockwork Angels novels and graphic novels based on this album. It was almost unheard of for a band at their age to still be recording at top form. This usually turns into the boring singer-songwriter phase of a band. But, Clockwork Angels is a dynamic hard rock album that still features their signature musicianship. I don't know if they knew this would be their final studio album, but it seems likely. It stands as one last statement by the band to cement their legacy. The last refrain of their final song, "The Garden", is "It's a measure of a life". That sounds like closure. Yet, they waited another three years to officially disband. It's crazy that it was almost 10 years ago.
One of the greatest three album runs in the history of rock music is Permanent Waves, Moving Pictures, and Signals. On any given day I could have these albums in any different order. For the official purposes of this post I put Moving Pictures at number one. It's empirically their greatest achievement. Side One is 10/10; "Tom Sawyer", "Red Barchetta", "YYZ" and "Limelight". Side Two isn't chopped liver either. Signals may be Neil's best songwriting album. In my previous post, I said Grace Under Pressure was the first RUSH album I bought when it came out. As I think back, it must have been Permanent Waves. I clearly remember when "The Spirit of Radio" was all over the radio and picking up that album. I'm an old man, it's hard to recall things. The 80's was when RUSH transitioned from side-long prog epics to more concise rock tracks. However, that didn't stop them from recording mini-epics, like "Natural Science", "Jacob's Ladder", and "The Camera Eye". It's this era of RUSH that eventually got them inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. When I started Sound Mind, they still hadn't been inducted and I spewed quite a bit of vitriol about that fact. Looking back, it was just a matter of time. There could not be a Rock Hall without RUSH.
Tomorrow I will post my top RUSH songs list. As I began to compile the essential tracks, it became obvious that if I wanted a career spanning list it would have to be 40-50 songs. Apologies in advance. As an appetizer, I give to you RUSH's studio instrumental tracks ranked, and their 5 Worst Songs. Peace.
1. La Villa Strangiato ( Hemispheres )
2. YYZ ( Moving Pictures )
3. The Main Monkey Business ( Snakes and Arrows )
4. Malignant Narcissism ( Snakes and Arrows )
5. Limbo ( Test For Echo )
6. Hope ( Snakes and Arrows )
7. Where's My Thing ( Roll the Bones )
8. Leave That Thing Alone ( Counterparts )
1. Dog Years ( Test For Echo )
2. Tai Shan ( Hold Your Fire )
3. I Think I'm Going Bald ( Caress of Steel )
4. Twilight Zone ( 2112 )
5. Tears ( 2112 )
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