Friday, January 24, 2025

The Lemon Twigs - A Dream is All We Know ( 2004 )

      The Lemon Twigs are one of those artists that I've tried repeatedly to like, but something elusive and hard to identify always got in the way. Turns out, the thing I was missing is lots and lots of 60's pastiche. Just plug in the Rickenbackers and give me some Byrds-ian jangle, or some Beach Boys inspired harmonizing, or some exquisite, baroque chamber pop, some random use of a theremin, and it's all good. I vehemently disagree with those who accuse The Lemon Twigs of being derivative on A Dream is All We Know. While I can point out the musical DNA of every track, The Lemon Twigs bring their own unique take on these songs. It's absurd to single them out as "derivative" when virtually all music this century has its precursors. And if you're going to wear your  musical influences on your sleeve, 60's pop is a great look. 

     That said, the influences are fairly direct on this set of songs. The title track and "I Should've Known Right From the Start" are unabashedly McCartney-esque. As I mentioned before, there are Beach Boys harmonies all over this album. The music video for "They Don't Know How to Fall in Place" is an homage to The Monkees, including a reenactment of the "pushing a bed down the street" scene from the opening sequence of their tv show. In the song, "Church Bells" they use the term Jerseyside, which I assume is a spin on Merseyside. "In the Eyes of the Girl" is straight up Beach Boys adjacent. "If You and I Are Not Wise"...The Byrds. And the opening track, "My Golden Years", is a mash up of these influences. However, this isn't an album of cover songs and The Lemon Twigs' unique personalities and lyrical content shine throughout.

     Interestingly, the closing track, "Rock On", is a Glam Rock stomper. Maybe their next record will be a 70's pastiche. We can only hope. Peace.

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